Need a Boost? Energize with these 3 mudras

Spring is here! Let me ask: Are you thinking about doing any of these things:

  • Getting your garden ready

  • Deep spring cleaning

  • Organizing your shed

  • Getting your bike ready to roll

…but not actually doing them?
When this happens, we need to ask ourselves two questions:

  • Have I been doing too much?

  • Have I been doing too little?

If you have been overextending yourself either with work or worry, the best remedy is rest. Replenish your energy before you try to tackle more.

One of the best ways I’ve found to recharge is Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra relaxes and revitalizes body, mind and soul. All you do is get comfortable and listen. Check out my previous blog on this solution.

If, on the other hand, you haven’t been overextending but you seem to have an energy lull, you may want to try a different approach.

Mudras, or hand gestures are an effective way to shift your energy and are particularly useful when the issue is an energy log jam-you just can’t seem to muster up the enthusiasm to get things done.

The spring time of year, according to Ayurveda, is typically when many of us feel a bit stagnant. Earth and water rule in spring creating an abundance of cold and damp qualities. These two qualities can make us feel heavy and stuck.

The short practice below will get you warmed up and ready to roll!
If you want to learn more about mudras, check out my workshop schedule. I’d love it if you could join us!

Give it a try.

Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and spine long but not strained.
Take a few relaxed abdominal breaths to start.
Do each mudra for at about 5 breaths.

On each INHALE say silently “I feel renewed and energized” on each EXHALE say “thank you”.

Finish by placing both hands in prayer position at the heart centre and take a moment to appreciate your gently energizing self-care practice!

All of the mudras in this practice are gently energizing helping you to feel lighter, more energized and motivated.

Do these practices either in the morning or early afternoon since they are activating.

Surya mudra

Elemental association: Fire
Breath focus:  Lower ribs.
Main body system supported: Digestion
Instructions: Bend ring fingers of both hands in to touch mound at base of both thumbs. Fold thumbs over ring fingers to hold them in place. All other fingers are outstretched. Rest the backs of your hands on your thighs.

Vayu mudra

Elemental association: Air
Breath focus:  Lower lungs
Main body system supported: Respiratory
Instructions: Bend index fingers of both hands in to touch mound at base of both thumbs. Fold thumbs over index fingers to hold them in place. All other fingers are outstretched. Rest the backs of your hands on your thighs.

Akasha mudra

Elemental association: Space
Breath focus:  Upper lungs, neck and jaw
Main body system supported: Endocrine
Touch tips of thumbs to the tips of middle fingers of each hand. All other fingers extend out. Rest the backs of your hands on your thighs.

Enjoy your practice!

Mudra photo on homepage for this blog is from Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage. Joseph was one of my first teachers and is a pioneer in yoga therapy.