Is this Luck or Magic or Something Else?
/Do you believe that wishing for something can make it happen? If you’re on the fence, I invite you to read this story and then tell me what you think.
It was one of the first beautiful sunny days of March. A Monday. As 10:00 AM rolled around, I was having a good week so far. Then, in the late afternoon, a dark grey cloud drifted over my day. First, I got the news that my part-time job (yes, the one I talked about in my last blog) was being discontinued. Then, my husband, Tim, got the dreaded quarantine notice because one of his team-mates tested positive for Covid and to top it off, one of my long-time, dear clients told me she was moving to New Brunswick. Big Downer.
For a little while I felt, sad, deflated, defeated and generally down in the dumps. Then I remembered something. I had a magic wand!
I’m not saying what I did next made the thing that happened after that happen, but it sure was better than being swallowed up by the aforementioned dark grey cloud.
Here’s what I noticed.
Once I gave myself time to process the bad news triple whammy, I very mindfully started to notice what I was thinking. Then see if I could replace what I was thinking with something more hopeful. What I was thinking was: “OMG I’ll never be able to make up that income.” “There goes any remote hope of doing even basic renovations to my freakin’ falling apart kitchen” (I may have used harsher language than “freakin”) “I hate the feeling of my heart hurting when things feel bad.” And “I wonder if cutting off that M.P. mid-sentence cost me my job.” This last one lead to a cascade of all kinds of other self-worth delusions. (I say “delusions” because the vast majority of the time, the negative things we say about ourselves are simply not true.)
Here’s what I did.
When I noticed any negative thoughts, I’d give myself a big hug for self-compassion and say; “what a tough way to start the week”. (Those of you who have been following my blogs may recognize this as the “recognize you are suffering” part in the self-compassion process.)
Then….drum roll…I did the magic thing. I said the phrase that let me imagine the outcome I wanted instead of staying stuck in the outcomes I was dreading. I did this as a mini-ritual, starting with a few relaxing yoga postures (supported bridge, then knees to chest I think), then I sat with my abdominal breath - the one with the long exhales. Next, I pulled my Aventurine Intention Bracelet out (aventurine is the “good luck” stone) and did a round saying; “I create financial abundance in my life with joy and ease.” I continued with this little ritual for several days, until the cloud had drifted away and diffused.
Do you know what happened exactly one week after? You guessed it. I got another job offer! Thank you, thank you to my friend who thought of me! This opportunity came up with such serendipitous timing, I felt there was some kind of positive intention magic going on. Also, Tim and all of his hockey mates tested negative for Covid (thank goodness!). And, I’ve had the chance to process the concept that, letting go brings freedom for all parties involved. (I think my next blog will be about the process of letting go of needless things that collect dust in the upper reaches of inaccessible cupboards.)
The moral of this story and what I believe is true beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that focusing on what you want instead of what you fear is a very effective way to reduce stress, especially around things you have no control over. That’s the magic.
May the magic in your life always be within reach!
Hugs and High Fives,
P.S. If you’d like to know more about breathing practices to ease stress consider my short course Breathing for Life.
Want an Intention Bracelet? You can buy one here. I’ve just released a new simpler style that men may like so if you’ve got a special man in your life, check it out!