Elemental Help for Depression (tips for Kapha)

Elemental Help for Depression (tips for Kapha)

Feeling a little depressed right now is understandable. The question is, how can we pull ourselves out of this? Ayurvedic practitioners refer to depression as an elemental overload of earth and water or “kapha dosha”. The combination is sticky and heavy and thick. A perfect description of what it feels like to be a little depressed!

The Ayurvedic solution is to bring in more of the other elements to counter the excess winter earth-water “glue” that keeps us stuck in our beds until noon. Here’s how that advise translates into things you can do to feel better and it is what I did to feel better.

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10 Meditation tips for tapping into your creative powers (aka problem solving powers!)

10 Meditation tips for tapping into your creative powers (aka problem solving powers!)

In a time when it feels like making long term plans, or even making plans for the next week is pretty much pointless it’s easy to feel stuck. One of the best ways to get unstuck is to tap into your creativity. This is the key to being able to pivot in another direction. One of the best ways to tap into your creativity is through meditation. Here are 10 tips for tapping into your creative powers.

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Two Things that Make Letting Go Easier

Two Things that Make Letting Go Easier

This pandemic has been the ultimate exercise in letting go. Letting go of plans, letting go of expectations, letting go of hopes, wishes and desires and the hardest of all; letting go of people we love.

Why is letting go is so hard and is there any way to look at letting go as something other than down right terrifying? The second part of this sentence answers the first. Letting go is terrifying. We tend to equate letting go with loss and loss is painful. The great yogic sages as well as modern science explain that we are hardwired to avoid pain and seek pleasure, so it stands to reason that we would want to avoid loss like, well, the plague.

But, is it possible that letting go is the road to acceptance and acceptance is a bridge to comfort?

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Creating Abundance

It's pretty easy to get caught up in feeling like you don't have enough. Whether that's time, money, skills, talent or whatever. When I hit menopause, I started feeling lack, a lot. I lacked patience, I lacked parenting skills, I lacked the ability to control my emotions, I lacked sleep.  It's vital to know that lack is a perception that can stress us out and lead to more lack. Find out what you can do to shift from lack to abundance.

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