Anne-Marie, Leadership Development Coach and Consultant

“The Dharma Key works for me because it brings structure to the concept of daily self care. It’s a simple way to stay on track even on those days when the gremlins are trying to drag you down the rabbit hole. It reminds me to kneel at the alter of my Self each day and practice the important discipline of Self Love.

The mini mala bracelet that comes with the Dharma Key holds my intentions in a tangible way represented by the beautiful stones, and wearing it reminds me to replace restrictive thoughts with my positive intentions."

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Louise Lalande, coCreations Creative Director, Ottawa

“Working with Lori Chamberland has been a pleasure; I look forward to our monthly Take the Journey session. Our work has reminded me of the importance of self-care and how all small daily actions contribute to it.  Learning about my particular body type has helped me through the winter and the change of seasons.

I especially love the mala bracelet that Lori custom made for me; it is a gentle reminder of my commitment to speak and act mindfully.  Lori’s deep knowledge of the body and how to access its healing power through various modalities, combined with her gentle, generous spirit is truly healing.”


I have been a client of Lori’s for approximately 5 years now. I have benefited from her wide variety of relaxation services in so many ways. Her positive and amazing energy is truly an inspiration.

Lori Chamberland’s skill set allows anyone to find the combination of techniques that will help lower stress and give you time to yourself, something that everyone can use in today’s busy environment.