Integrative Reflexology in Ottawa

Reflexology is an ahhh-inducing form of therapeutic foot massage. Lori uses a unique integrated approach that incorporates breathing, visualization, meditation, positive intention, essential oils and other tools. Reflexology is offered in person at Lori’s studio in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

In addition to Reflexology, Lori offers Restorative Yoga Massage, Yoga Nidra and Mind Body Reset. All services are personalized to soothe your particular stressors. This personalized, integrative relaxation approach efficiently reduces stress and shifts the body and mind into a blissfully relaxed state allowing you to restore and rebuild your energy.

Benefits of Reflexology for Relaxation (for the benefits of other services click on the links above):

  • Tension and sinus headaches

  • Migraine headaches

  • Back pain

  • Chronic pain

  • Allergies

  • Digestive issues such as heartburn, indigestion and abnormal elimination patterns

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety and depression

Prices for all Relaxation Therapies

Single 1 hour session: 85.00
Package of 3, 1 hour sessions: $210.00
Package of 5, 1 hour sessions: $325.00

Check out my blog for tips and easy relaxation exercises to help with life’s challenges.